Latest news
MINT-Tag für Schülerinnen
University of Bonn hosts MINT-day for girls in the 10th grade and up, and sign-up is now open. MINT is short for mathematics, informatics, natural science and technology See more on the event-page of the University:
Gian-Marco Schnüriger: new Postdoc in the Fiberlab
Gian-Marco Schnüriger starts his Postdoc position in the Fiber lab as part of our group and the group of Prof. Linden in Uni Bonn.
ML4Q&A Podcast
In this podcast, Sebastian talks about his journey through academia and about his research.
Samuel Germer: New Master student.
Sam will stay with us as a Master student
New Bachelor students
Johanna, Chris, Jeremy, Clara and Aylin will join our group as Bachelor students.
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