Latest research news Prof. Katharina Gillen: Visiting researcher Meet us at DPG! SuperWave Review on Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Cavities - Now on ArXiv Ytterbium 3D MOT Rydberg superatom review published New ytterbium paper published Creation of non-classical states of light in a chiral waveguide: Now on ArXiv Virtual AMO Seminar New paper published Meet us at DPG! Poster prize at the Dansk Fysik Selskab meeting First glow of Ytterbium First glow of cold Yb atoms (in 3D MOT) in Odense!!! Observation of collective decay dynamics of a single Rydberg superatom - on ArXiv Publication in Phys. Rev. Research: Photon propagation through dissipative Rydberg media at large input rates Now truly Doctor of Philosophy Sebastian - Now German professor! Publications in Phys. Rev. A and Phys. Rev. Research! Paper on multi-photon subtraction published < Previous 30 items 1 2
Publication in Phys. Rev. Research: Photon propagation through dissipative Rydberg media at large input rates