14. May 2024

Pint of Science Festival in Cologne Pint of Science Festival in Cologne

It was super nice to meet you there and show you our single photon interferometer! ✨

Pint of Science Festival in Cologne
Pint of Science Festival in Cologne © Pint of Science, nqo
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Sebastian, Sam and Jana showed you a single photon interferometer with which we want to demonstrate some fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics.

Previous knowledge of physics or other subjects was not necessary - curiosity and critical questioning are enough!

For more information, check out https://pintofscience.de/event/ein-hut-ein-stock-ein-regenschirm.

It was a great time! ✨

Pint of Science Festival in Cologne
Pint of Science Festival in Cologne © Pint of Science, nqo
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